Himeros.TV: Andre Donovan and Dillon Diaz and Jack Bailey and Peyton Key: Political Party Bottom

The new video release from Himeros.TV is called “Political Party Bottom”. It plays provocatively with the obvious and highly politicized homophobia/gay connection. It is a statement about overacting the masculine persona in an effort to suppress the inner feminine. An endless parade of anti-gay politicians and religious leaders have been arrested in bathrooms for soliciting sex, caught up in scandals with male sex workers and so on. The quote, “the lady doth protest too much, methinks” comes to mind. These individuals speak out against others in an effort to cover up their own conflicted feelings and inner turmoil. In this vein, Political Party Bottom shows us that conflict unfold in real time through the experience of a Trump supporter. His MAGA hat is a symbol – and, once it falls to the floor, the man is able to surrender into his true identity. For the first time, he kisses his partner and allows himself to be the ravenous, cock-craving party bottom that he really is.

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FratX: Give Me That Arse

Ryan got really trashed one afternoon while watching a game on TV. Travis was on the bench press with AJ, he was looking all sexy in his board shorts. So Ryan grabbed him and threw him onto the couch. Ryan ripped his shorts off while someone else shoved his cock in his mouth. Stupid kid started pissing everyone off, squirming around and shit. So they tied the bitch up. Then AJ joined in and the three of them fucked him raw while watching the rest of the game. Yes, the FratX frat brothers sure love duct tape!

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FratX: Pee Bitch

The FratX guys love beer almost as much as cum, and they don’t like to waste it. So after Anthony dropped his beer onto the kitchen floor, the guys decided to make an example of him. They tied his dumb ass to the toilet bowl, and some of the guys took turns pissing on him and fucking his hole. He was a human toilette bowl for the day. Soaking up all that dirty frat boy cum and piss!

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