Bentley Race: Aaron Parker and Lucas Knowles

It’s always great meeting porn stars visiting Australia. Bentley Race had been exchanging mails with Lucas Knowles for a long time now and he eventually made his way to Australia recently. Ben’s mate Aaron Parker saw his photos and wanted to hook up with him when he got to Melbourne. After meeting in the city they all headed back to Ben’s apartment where the guys got to know each other better. Lucas is a much larger man than had expected, so seeing him with Aaron on the bed was one of the hottest things Ben had ever filmed!

| Want to see more of Aaron & Lucas? Click here |

BelAmiOnline: Helmut Huxley and Jerome Exupery

This beautiful pair are two of the cutest young guys modelling for BelAmiOnline. Apparently they are always together … at the gym, when travelling, and when one walks thru a door, the other is not far behind. They are both about the same height, 6ft 5in tall, so one can easily hide behind the other. In this sexy photo session it is easy to see that their relationship is beyond a simple friendship … much more sensual and passionate than friends ever get!

| Want to see more of Helmut & Jerome? Click here |

BelAmiOnline: Jon Kael and Christopher Caan

When BelAmiOnline first brought Christopher to us, most of their Members seemed to like him quite a bit, with just a few naysayers who were not fond of the downward bend in his dick. Luckily the enthusiasm one out and this very stunning man became a site regular. Christopher is paired in this photo-set today with another site favourite, Jon Kael, and the guys sure look like they are enjoying each other’s company, bendy-dick not withstanding!

| Want to see more of Jon & Christopher? Click here |