Bentley Race: Aaron Parker and Lucas Knowles

It’s always great meeting porn stars visiting Australia. Bentley Race had been exchanging mails with Lucas Knowles for a long time now and he eventually made his way to Australia recently. Ben’s mate Aaron Parker saw his photos and wanted to hook up with him when he got to Melbourne. After meeting in the city they all headed back to Ben’s apartment where the guys got to know each other better. Lucas is a much larger man than had expected, so seeing him with Aaron on the bed was one of the hottest things Ben had ever filmed!

| Want to see more of Aaron & Lucas? Click here |

Bentley Race: Mark Jonson

The latest addition to the Bentley Race stable of hot mates is 19 year old Mark Jonson. Mark told them that he needed some money for car repairs and thought that stripping in front of the camera would help him out of trouble. Sexy and straight, Mark admits that he likes showing off his fat uncut cock to the girls on his webcam, so he’s kinda had a bit of experience in front of the camera already, although not with another guy in the room and filming him cumming!

| Want to see more of Mark? Click here |